Village of Winding Trails Annual HOA Meeting – February 3

The Village of Winding Trails HOA meeting is February 3. At this meeting we will discuss the items in the agenda provided below. To help make attending easy, we are offering two ways to attend the meeting:

  • In person at Woodlawn Chapel
  • Via a virtual meeting

For those who prefer a virtual meeting, please see the meeting link below.

Proxy voting – Return by January 31!

If you are unable to attend the annual meeting, please complete the attached proxy vote and return to one of the trustees noted below. A trustee will cast the vote on your behalf for the 2025 budget and to elect an Architectural Committee trustee.

Architectural Committee Trustee Role

Gavin Savage, who assumed this role in 2024 from Nan Trecker, is seeking to continue as trustee and his bio is attached. If any resident is interested in running for Architectural Committee Trustee, please send an email and brief bio to one of the trustees noted below.

Please return any proxy votes or trustee bios by January 31 to a trustee below. Use the links above to access the proxy vote and Gavin’s bio.

Meeting Information

  • Location: Woodlawn Chapel Presbyterian
  • Address: 16520 Clayton Rd. Wildwood, MO 63011
  • Date: February 3, 2025
  • Time: 7-8 PM

Virtual Meeting Link

To attend via Google Meet, please see below.

(Or open Google Meet and enter this code: dwr-vjhq-uxm)

  • You’ll be prompted to allow microphone and camera
  • Click Join Now.


  • Introduction of trustees and changes that happened in 2024
  • Establishment of a quorum
  • Confirmation of 2025 trustees
  • Katie Dodwell/Joe Farmer – City Council update
  • Watershed Erosion Task force
  • Deer culling
  • Crime
  • Traffic
  • Gavin Savage – 2024 architectural committee updates and common ground
  • Rich Gebhardt – Bath and tennis updates
  • Tom Jury – Budget


Baby Pool Closing August 5th

Hard to believe but it’s getting to be that time in summer…as August begins, so do fall sports and lifeguards start to get ready to go back to school. Because of this, starting August 5th we will only have lifeguards on Saturday and Sunday the rest of the season.

Due to the combined size of the baby pool and main pool, we are required to have lifeguards. However, to remain open during the week with no lifeguards – and swim at your own risk – we can close the baby pool the remainder of the season but keep the main pool open for members.

Pool hours will remain 10:00 am to 8:00 pm daily.

Any questions please contact Rich Gebhardt:




Pool Is Open! Get Your New Proximity Card If You Have Not!

The pool is open!  Pool hours are 10:00 am – 8:00 pm daily (seven days a week).

We’ve offered several times slots to get your card over the past few weeks – but now that the pool is open, if you still need to get your card (and we have quite a few cards left to distribute) please contact:

Rich Gebhardt


As a reminder, please note the following:

  • Proximity card fee:  $5.00
  • Check (preferred) or cash are accepted – make check out to the Village of Winding Trails
  • One proximity card issued per household

In addition, members:

  • That do not have the new proximity card cannot access the pool
  • Must be current on annual dues to use the pool or tennis courts
  • Not current on dues risk having cards deactivated


If you have any questions please contact:

Rich Gebhardt


2024 Village of Winding Trails Annual HOA Meeting – Rescheduled

The 2024 Village of Winding Trails HOA Meeting has been rescheduled to Monday, February 12, 2024. This year the meeting will be conducted virtually via Google Meet. You do not need a Gmail account to join the meeting.


To join the meeting, click the link below:

Google Meet Link

Once clicked, you will be taken to a Google Meet page. Click “Ready to Join” and you will be admitted to the meeting.

If you have a Gmail account, you can also join the meeting by going to your Gmail inbox, click “Meet,” and enter the following code:

Meeting code: kdb-ugho-ugy

Meeting Information

The 2024 Annual Village of Winding Trails HOA meeting will be conducted virtually using Google Meet. You do not need a Gmail account to enter the meeting.  You can join the meeting using the link above.

The meeting date and time is provided below:

Date:  Monday, February 12, 2024

Time:  7:00-8:00 pm

If you have any questions regarding this meeting or need help joining the meeting please contact a trustee:

Rich Gebhardt –

Donna Goro –

Vanessa Hallums –

Progressive Dinner and Cookie Exchange




Upcoming Holiday Season Events – Join Us!

Can you believe the holiday season is right around the corner?  It’s time to start planning our Village of Winding Trails holiday traditions! For those newer to the neighborhood, for many years the Village of Winding Trails has celebrated the holiday season with a Progressive Dinner and Cookie Exchange. The Progressive Dinner and Cookie Exchange are fun ways to connect with neighbors, meet new ones, and build friendships.  If you’ve ever thought about jumping in to help with planning or hosting, consider this your personal invitation! We’d love to have you get involved.

Opportunities include:

  • Progressive Dinner (1-3 host homes)
  • Cookie Exchange  (1 host home)

Please contact Donna Goro with any questions or to let her know which opportunity you are interested in or how you would like to help:

(314) 210-7426


Thank you for helping make the Village of Winding Trails a great place to live!

Your trustees,

Donna, Vanessa, and Rich

2023 Village of Winding Trails Annual Meeting

The 2023 annual meeting for the Village of Winding Trails HOA occurred at 7:00 on Thursday, January 26 at Woodlawn Chapel Presbyterian Church.

Please find the minutes for the meeting as follows:

Ray Edwards, outgoing trustee, opened up the meeting.

First Guest Speaker – Mayor Jim Bowlin

-Deer issue will be resolved within the next two to three months.
-Town Center: development interest for high end apartments.
-Industrial zone: certain storefronts are not allowed such as vape shops.
-Municipality meetings have decreased in regards to how many times they meet, but have increased their tasks accomplished.
-Mayor is serving his last term and will be running for state representative.
-Number one revenue is sales tax for Wildwood. Revenue source number two is utility tax. Last source of revenue is fines and penalties. There is no real estate tax.
-Wildwood did not propose the Mayfair tax for internet purchases. Wildwood is the only city that did not impose this.
-Federal funding is used on a project basis. For example to help with our internet problem.
-There is no internet in the industrial zone. AT&T is the only company that can provide internet in the industrial zone.
-Sewer lateral program is being discussed.
-Deer eradication program includes bow hunters. White Buffalo company will bait the deer, then kill them.

Conclusion of Mayor Bowlin’s presentation at 7:27 pm

Second Guest Speaker – City of Wildwood police

-No police reports in our neighborhood the last 6 months
-One resident complained about a county cab going  too fast in our neighborhood.

Conclusion at 7:39 pm

Trustee Presentations

Ray Edwards:
-Budget breakdown
– Pool Question: Pool management companies. How are we going to deal with this. ProPool has been better, we have a three year contract with them. The supervision aspect is hard due to their age.
– We did get a rebate due to guards leaving.
-Budget has been passed.
-Pool budget was discussed.

Vanessa Hallums:
-Presentation of landscaping
-Questions regarding Francisco’s responsibilities and duties
-Residents would like more clean up throughout the year

Ray Edwards:
-Thank you to specific residents.
-Ray Edwards stepping down as trustee and Donna Goro stepping in.

Conclusion of meeting at 9:00 pm


Your trustees,

Rich Gebhardt

Vanessa Hallums

Donna Goro


VWT Newsletter 2021

The Village of Winding Trails Newsletter
Spring 2021
Our annual subdivision meeting was held January 28, 2021. The 2021 budget was approved and
assessments will remain at $275 for Bath and Tennis, and $110 for Winding Trails. During the meeting,
Rich Gebhardt was elected as a new trustee. The budget and minutes of the meeting can be found at

Resident Communications
Residents use our web site to see what is happening in our neighborhood. It has information about the
pool, architectural questions, our indentures, events, and other useful information.
We communicate with our residents by e-mail, web site, and U.S. mail.
If you want to be on our email list, contact Dave McGinnis. All information is kept confidential.

Pool Information
In 2020, we introduced a mobile app system for accessing the pool—this app will again be in place for
2021. Information about the app will be displayed at the pool as you arrive. All residents should sign
in via the app and enter the number total guests before entering. New residents that have questions
about the pool can contact Rich Gebhardt.
Note: Residents that have not paid assessments will not be admitted into the pool.
The Covid-19 epidemic impacted potential improvements to the pool. We are aware of a sink hole that
has developed on the pool parking lot and are monitoring it for any change in condition.
The Wi-Fi is still up and running at the pool. Check with trustee Rich Gebhardt for details.
We ask that you please be courteous to the lifeguards and follow the pool rules. They are there
for your safety.
We look forward to a great 2021!

Please do not park on the streets over 24 hours—especially around the cul-de-sacs.
All the homes in our neighborhood have three car garages with accompanying driveways, please use
them to park your cars not the streets. If vehicles are parked in the street, large vehicles (trash trucks,
emergency vehicles, snow
plows) have a very difficult time maneuvering around them.
Waste Connections has complained about the parked cars, which make it especially difficult for
drivers to maneuver around in cul-de-sacs.
Please stop parking on Thunderhead Canyon Road. Parked cars obstruct the view for drivers
especially on hills. Please be considerate of your neighbors.

Please maintain your yards and homes—well maintained properties add value to our neighborhood
and benefit all of us.
If you are planning to make changes to the exterior of your home, you can obtain the architectural
forms from our web site and submit them to Dave McGinnis for review and approval.

Please keep your trash/recycle bins out of sight and store them in your garage when not on pick up
day. Place them out no more than 24 hours before pick-up (Tuesday and Wednesday).

When walking your dog, please be considerate of your neighbors and pick up your dog’s waste. This is
especially true on the common ground around the pool and on the Caulk’s Creek side. We have posted
signs asking for your compliance.

When driving in our neighborhood, please obey the speed limits—especially on Still Creek,
Thunderhead Canyon, and Prospector Ridge. Many of our new residents have small children, while
others are walking dogs, running, or just enjoying a walk. Please do your part to ensure we have a safe

Special Note
Thanks to all the folks who helped with the Luminaries in December 2020 and continue to help with
the Beautification Committee.
We look forward to a great 2021!
Your trustees,

Ray Edwards (budget)

David Rosen-McGinnis
(architecture, landscaping, website)

Rich Gebhardt
(pool, tennis court)

Village of Winding Trails 2021 Annual Meeting Minutes

January 28, 2021

Trustee Rick Pfarr opened the annual subdivision meeting at 7:05pm after determining that a quorum was established with 26 present eligible residents and 23 proxy votes cast. Due to the current pandemic restrictions the meeting was held by Zoom video conference.

Wildwood Police Officer Steve DeGhelder spoke first and updated the audience on local law enforcement efforts in the community. He said that he is pleased to note that there no illegal activity to mention in our neighborhood. He reported that Wildwood in general and our subdivision in particular are “very quiet” and “very safe.”  Based on his records search for the last six months, he said there have been no calls for law enforcement assistance in our area. He said that in surrounding areas there have been a few traffic stops, some residential security issues with unlocked cars and open garage doors, but nothing else to report. He said the residents of our neighborhood are attentive to personal security and this helps law enforcement efforts. In response to questions from the audience he said the police are willing to respond to noisy and speeding cars if they are called. He provided his contact information. His email address is and his phone number is 636-458-9194.

Mayor Jim Bowlin spoke next, thanking the group for participating in the recent election and reelecting him for another term. He mentioned efforts underway by the mayor and the city council to update the 5-year strategic plan. He said this initiative is in three phases: establishing broad goals, determining funding sources to meet the broad goals and sub goals, and fine tuning the final product. The eight goals of the strategic plan (in priority order) are: grow the internet, financial resource development, watershed and erosion control, continuing public works projects, administrative improvements, economic development, fixing Lake Chesterfield, and advancing the greenspace. In response to questions, he mentioned that dealing with Caulk’s Creek is a priority and this is part of the ongoing watershed erosion task force. He invited residents to contact council members and him if we have thoughts about the order of these priorities. In response to questions, he said that residents should go to the City of Wildwood website for information on community events.

Wildwood Council Member Katie Dodwell then spoke.  She mentioned that she is running unopposed for her final term of office as a council member. She said there is not much to report this year due to the pandemic. She said the budget was recently approved and it is a balanced budget. She said new parks are not being planned this year and the focus will be on upgrading the existing parks and trails. She further described the work of the watershed erosion task force. In response to questions, she said it is difficult for the city to deal with leaves in the street but suggested that the trustees might address this. She invited residents who are interested in being more involved in community activities to contact her.

Next up on the program, Trustee Ray Edwards presented the Winding Trails Bath & Tennis and Village of Winding Trails (HOA) 2020 financial results and 2021 budgets. Winding Trails ended the year with a net balance of $5,781 and an ending operating cash balance of $34,581.  Bath & Tennis ended 2020 a net balance of $17,817 and ending operating cash balance of $38,124.  As of December 31, the Reserve stands at $140,276 with $5,000 to be dedicated to pool upgrades in 2021.  Conservative budgets are planned for 2021 in both the HOA and the Bath & Tennis accounts.  Annual assessments for 2021 will remain the same as 2020, i.e., $275 for Bath and Tennis and $110 for the Village of Winding Trails.  Overall revenue assessments are projected to continue on track in 2021 and expenses will remain carefully controlled.  During the budget discussion Ray mentioned that, due to the pandemic, work originally planned in 2020 for the cul-de-sacs was put on hold. This is now planned and budgeted for 2021. In response to a question, Ray mentioned that the website maintenance has moved from Richard Baricko to Dave Rosen-McGinnis and this activity will be shared by other volunteers in the future. Following Ray’s presentation Rick Pfarr moved to approve the 2021 budgets and Dave Rosen-McGinnis seconded the motion.  Upon unanimous approval, the 2021 budgets were approved.

David Rosen-McGinnis briefly presented the pool/tennis report and mentioned that in general things went well with the pool and tennis courts this past year. He noted that operating adjustments needed to be made to comply with county requirements during the pandemic, but these seemed to be well accepted. The sink hole that appeared in the parking lot last year has been abated and seems to be under control now. Dave said that he anticipates another positive year ahead with the pool, although it is planned that another trustee will take on primary responsibility in this area.

Trustee Rick Pfarr offered a brief update on neighborhood issues. He announced that he is retiring after 20 years as a trustee. Rick said that he plans to remain involved on neighborhood committees as time permits. Ray Edwards commended Rick for his service to the community and mentioned that the trustees will soon be presenting Rick with an award for his service.

Ray also commended our active residents who are doing so much to improve and maintain the quality of our neighborhood. These include: Jenny Reed, Vicki Marks, Sharon Hutson, Nan Trecker, Dana Fenster, Vicki Hashbarger, Lisa Horner, Linda Sherry, Laine Angelo for purchasing flowers, planting and watering at the pool, attending to the landscaping at the pool gate and sign, and caring for the front entrance. Additionally, Jenny Reed and Vicki Marks put up holiday decorations at the front entrance. Christy Ehrenreich as well as Nan and John Trecker led the effort to promote our Christmas Eve luminary displays. The trustees offered a special thank you to each of these neighbors who are serving on our behalf.

Following this, Ray mentioned that it is time to elect a new trustee. Since Rick Pfarr announced his retirement the trustees have been seeking volunteers to serve. Rich Gebhardt has agreed to do so. Ray nominated Rich for a term as trustee and Dave Rosen-McGinnis seconded the nomination. Upon receiving no other nominations, the vote was called and upon unanimous approval Rich was elected to serve another term as trustee.

There being no other business to come before the group a motion was made, seconded and approved to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 pm.

Respectfully submitted,



Ray Edwards                                      David Rosen McGinnis                       Rick Pfarr

552 Red Rock Drive                           1976 Still Creek Pass                         1916 Larimer Trail